Frequently Asked Questions

Check the FAQs below for answers to the most commonly asked questions. Still have questions? Contact me!

What is copywriting and content marketing, and why do I need to hire a professional?

Copywriting is written content that appears in your marketing outlets (websites, blogs, emails, social media, brochures, advertising) to target a particular audience in order to increase awareness of your brand and persuade a prospect to take a specific action. Copywriting is done for sales pitches and content marketing.

Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of content to stimulate interest in a product or service and earn the trust of a target audience. It establishes relationships and generates leads. It promotes expertise and brand awareness, and keeps your business top of mind with prospects for when they are ready to buy.


There is a difference between content marketing and hard sales marketing. Content marketing is a softer sell. It takes time to create brand awareness and win a buyer over. You do this by sharing content that is valuable to them and helps them solve a problem. Sales copy is written with a stronger approach to motivate a target prospect to make an immediate purchase.


Content marketing is ideal for interior designers and home brands who are looking to build relationships with those homeowners who may want to take their time to make decisions on their home furnishings and styling. Staying top of mind with them and earning their trust with valuable, high-quality content can persuade them to ultimately purchase your product or service.

What is it like working with Kastle Home Copywriting?

I like to laugh. No, seriously. I believe humor is necessary in life, it is not only a great stress reliever; it also makes life more fun. I know you love home fashion as much as I do, or you wouldn’t be in this business, so let’s have some fun together. I’m easy to work with, extremely professional, super organized and I can help keep you on a regular content schedule.


I’m a planner so we’ll always work from a creative brief. I can help you create a strategy, a content calendar and whatever we need to have a solid direction for your content.


I keep it simple – I believe good ol’ fashioned phone calls and emails (or Zooms) are the easiest ways to work together and eliminates technology distractions so we can get work done with less stress.


And I love the pretty things! So if you ever want company when you go out sourcing stylish products, I‘m your girl!

What makes Kastle different from other copywriters out there?

I have focused my 10+ years of marketing copywriting and journalism experience on the interior design and home brand industry. I’m passionate about it, and I want to help you succeed. Not only do I know the requirements of good content marketing, I also have expertise in home design. That killer combination makes me the number-one choice to write content for your interior design or home brand business.

What does copywriting cost?

I bill by the hour for my time. That includes writing the copy and revisions, meetings and research that needs to be done to go into the copy, and time spent on the phone or responding to emails in order to address anything that comes up. I clock myself in and out from the time I begin work on your project to the time I stop working ,and I can send you a weekly report of the time spent. This also gives us a good idea of the amount of time each type of project takes, such as strategy planning, writing website content, blogs, emails and batches of social media posts so you can plan a budget. I’m not the cheapest and I’m also not the most expensive, but I am going to give you the best quality and value that my knowledge and experience can bring to the table.

How do I get started?

We’ll start with a discovery meeting call to discuss your needs. I will ask you about the project(s) you have in mind (website content, blogs, emails, social media posts, etc.), your budget and what’s worked or not worked for your marketing in the past.


If we decide we are a good fit to work together, we’ll discuss a timeline to set the project start date and deadline so we can both plan our time to get content projects done.


We’ll also discuss whether your copywriting needs are a one-off project or a long-term, ongoing project, such as regular blogs, emails and social media posts. 


Upon starting the project, if you have market research on your brand, such as a brand strategy, brand guidelines and target personas, you provide it to me so that I can do research and get to know your brand and products/services before I start writing. If needed, we can make this a separate project and I can put together a brand brief on your business and brand strategy that includes your brand voice, target audience(s), etc. so we have a foundation to work from.


You will receive a contract for our agreed project and the estimated time needed with terms and conditions of our working relationship. The contract must be signed and returned before work can begin.


When are you available and how much notice do you need for work requests?

My working office hours are business days Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Mountain Time. I am not available on weekends or before/after hours. This is so that I can keep a good work/life balance, avoid burnout and offer my clients high-quality work. If you need service time outside of business hours, we can discuss.


For most projects, I need one-to-two week’s notice for an assignment, so that I can check my availability and plan the right amount of time to deliver by the requested deadline. If we work together on an ongoing basis, we will get into a regular groove of having an editorial calendar, producing and scheduling the publishing of content.


When we discuss a project, we will set a start date and estimate the hours needed so I can make time to work on your job. If the job does not start within two weeks of that date, I will need to take on another project with another client to fill the time. Please keep in mind, this is how I make my living. I cannot keep unpaid time available for you if you are not ready to start your project. By letting me know if something will be delayed and by how long will help keep us both operating in our businesses smoothly! 

What if I need a rush job?

I can accommodate rush jobs if I have the availability. For projects received with less than 48 hours’ notice, a 30% rush fee is applied to cover business costs for putting aside/postponing other projects and plans to work on a rush project.

How do I pay you?

An itemized invoice will be sent on the first of the month for the hours worked that month (regardless if project is completed or still in progress). Payment is accepted via direct deposit, check, Venmo or PayPal. Please note: For payments made beyond 30 days of receipt of the invoice, a 10% interest charge will be applied for every 30 days the payment is late.

Have more questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out!