What to Put in Your Email Newsletter

woman looking at tablet computer

A brand’s email newsletter is a powerful way to stay connected to your prospects. Sending information straight to people’s personal inbox helps you build a relationship and keep them updated on what’s new. Your business is buzzing all the time. You need to let people know about it! According to Mailchimp, a leading email marketing software provider, “The goal of your newsletter is to keep readers in the loop.”

If you think you can’t possibly come up with enough content to send a regular email, here are some detailed ideas for what to put in your email newsletter.

Company News

Use your email newsletter to share news about your brand. This could include announcements, changes to your team or company structure, awards, recognition or great reviews you’ve received. This gives your brand credibility and shows that your business is active and busy. Everyone likes to follow a winner!

New Products or Services

Whether you’re launching a new product or service or making improvements to an existing one, your email newsletter is a direct line to your audience to get the word out. Promote it in your email newsletter with an eye-catching photo and link to your website for more details on what’s new.

Sales or Discounts

If you’re selling furniture or home décor as a store or designer, sales and discounts are an obvious choice for what to put in your email newsletter.

Everyone loves a sale or a coupon. This will bring a sense of urgency and prompt people who may have been thinking about buying into taking action to get the deal. And they usually purchase a little something more while they’re at it!

Industry News and Trends

Show that you’re keeping up with the latest trends in your industry, and give your readers valuable information they may not be able to find elsewhere.

  • Home brands can link to a blog on how to get the latest design style trend with your products.
  • Interior designers can put a teaser and link to a blog on new products you loved at the latest furniture trade show and let people know you can help them get that look.

You can also look for news that ties in with your brand’s mission or values. For example, if you’re a sustainable furniture brand or eco-friendly interior designer, you might share an article about the latest advances in environmentally responsible textile production.

Pull quote on what to put in your brand's email newsletters

Give Readers a Peek Behind-the-Scenes

Let readers see what goes into making your products or running your business. This can be anything from showing them how you make your furniture or sharing some photos from an interior design project in progress. Another idea from Campaign Monitor, an email marketing tool provider, is “use newsletter content to tease a blog post outlining your company values.”

These are great ways to humanize your brand, add some of your personality and make a personal connection with your readers.

New and Exciting Content

New content on your website is how you attract and engage an audience—and it’s content for your email too! You can also highlight other people’s content that you think your audience will find interesting. This could be articles, blog posts or podcasts you think would be of value to your audience. This shows you are keeping up with the industry as a whole.

Get Personal

Don’t be afraid to get personal with your audience. An email is an intimate exchange and relationship builder. For home brands, share a letter from the owner. For interior designers, share what’s been inspiring you lately. This will make your newsletter feel more like a conversation and less like an advertisement.

Product Tips and How-Tos

Furniture and home décor shoppers are coming to you to help them design a space that is comfortable and looks good. They want inspiration and guidance. This is where your email can really strike a chord and prompt a sale.

By showing your expertise with tips and “how-tos,” you can get your audience to take action to achieve that result. It can be a tip in the email or a link to a blog that explains a full how-to.

woman at home looking at cell phone

Customer Stories and Case Studies

People love to see “before and afters.” Whenever you work with a client or customer, ask if you can feature their journey of creating a new look for their space. Find out:

  • Their vision for the space.
  • Why they chose your product or service.
  • What the space looked like before.
  • And finally, the big reveal!

This is incredibly powerful content for your email newsletter; you can link to a full case study on your website to show what your product and services can do.

Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonials and reviews are brief first-person accounts from happy customers who explain how your product or service made a difference in their lives. They are a valuable form of social proof, which is the idea that people are more likely to do something if they see other people doing it. When potential customers see that real people have had success with your business, they’re much more likely to want to try it themselves. The key to success with these is to keep them short so they pop, such as a one-sentence quote from a longer review.

Call to Action

Don’t forget a call to action (CTA): Every piece of content you share should have a CTA. Whether it’s subscribing to your blog or following you on social media, make sure there’s always something for your readers to do after reading your newsletter.

An email newsletter can help you nurture leads, build relationships, and even close deals. It’s important that your emails stay consistent and contain valuable content for your readers. They need to have strong subject lines to prompt them to open the email amid all the other emails they receive, and should contain information that is helpful, inspiring or entertaining for them.

No time to write emails for your business? Need help with copywriting and selecting good email content? I can help! Book a discovery call, and let’s get started!